
more forgotten treasures!
here again: the best photos happen when outside that box of where i too often confine myself.


in windward ascension
the strayed pilgrimage
following the ancient memory
rumbling beneath the rocks
to the ever-welcoming sea


on this cold night, i dug into the treasure box and once again, saw what i hadn't seen before. these photographs are from south africa, 2007.


when i got carried away.
i don't feel too good about using others' music for my stuff, but i'll just close my eyes (ears) for now.


(something completely different)

we dance at night, only at night.


untitled (for now)

the curtain had been raised
maybe six times
but it ended unlifted
staying down
this is what i've been working on this fall.


an untold story

a visual narration created applying the surrealistic exquisite corpse method.

i showed an image to a person and asked them to provide a visual/emotionl/narrative response to that image. this response was my inspiration to create a new photograph, which i once again showed to someone. and so the story unfolded.

in the end i edited the story together, for some parts rearranging the images and writing the text that appears on the images based on the responses.

my thanks to all who contributed to this project by extending their imagination and flow of mind to give me a soul-shaking story.

november 2009.

ps. kwoon: eternal jellyfish ballet


the memory game

ain't it funny how these photos keep popping up?
it's just that they hold so many possibilities, i am indecisive.
every time i need to push my portfolio to the next level, i do something new with these photographs. the ever-changing secret ingredient. i'm such a cheat.

but now finally,
i feel i've reached a strong way to compose them as a series.
i call it "the memory game".

i am so going to continue with different games in my work.


the games we play

under the bed
(april 2009)


a small funeral


a night in july: air heavy and thick, the walls of mist moving and closing the claustrophobic into a nightmare. in the repressing whiteness, a swimmer loses direction. bewildered, hyperventilating. wading towards the shore that can never be reached.

i truly saw my unconscious in my photos only now.

july 2009.


mirror images and reaching for the self. or something of that kind.



yumi at sundown

wind in my hair i feel part of everywhere
hammerfest, 2009



cross my arms and turn to me

(i seldom crop images afterwards, but this 35mm shot just screamed to be re-framed. a perfectly unfocused picture because self-photography is not easy, but it delivers. and then again, why should a photograph be in focus. i have a feeling it's the softness that makes it unreachable. light and body.)


i'll throw you in the ocean


cross my heart and look into the sea


(almost) straight from the darkroom


you know in two minutes

self-portrait at 6am, june 2009.

i though about writing something about this photo but ended up with the feeling that unnecessary words just eat it away.

i see with my brain, not with my eyes
and feel with my body, not with my mind


you never know where her curiousity leads

a prelude